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Make this one your last one – Stop Smoking

National No Smoking Day 8th March


Make this one your last one

Wednesday 8th March 2017 is National No Smoking Day – is this a target for you?

How many times have you said you want to stop smoking?

  • “I can stop when I want to”
  • “I’ll stop tomorrow”
  • “I will stop next week”
  • “I will stop in the new year”

Do these sound familiar? If so then I’m guessing you haven’t yet stopped smoking, because “tomorrow” never comes and the best time to do anything is RIGHT NOW.

There are 3 areas that need to be addressed to successfully stop smoking;

  • Nicotine addiction
  • Psychological addiction
  • Obsessive behaviours

This means that if you use anything with nicotine (Vaping, patches, gum etc.) you are still topping up the addictive substance and are less likely to stop smoking completely (this isn’t true in every case). If you are really finding it hard to quit and are 100% dedicated to putting those cigarettes down for good, then get in touch.

You will…

  • Save money (from £1000 a year, that’s could be an extra months wage)
  • Become healthier
  • Breathe easier
  • Improve fertility
  • Increase sexual performance (I know right, its true)
  • Have younger looking skin
  • Have whiter teeth
  • Have a longer Life
  • Smell better
  • Have less stress
  • Have more energy
  • Have healthier loved ones

(Your children are less likely to smoke if you don’t)

You may think that smoking relaxes you when in fact it increases stress, people often get stressed because they haven’t had a smoke, do you really want to “relax” by killing off your lungs when you can relax in a much safer and more beneficial and healthier way?

There are many disadvantages to being a smoker and no advantages. You experience a greatly reduced sense of smell and taste, your teeth, gums and tongue often become stained and your breath – well you must know it doesn’t smell nice. In fact your hair and clothing also smell of cigarettes which, yes, non smokers can smell. On top of that are the dangers to your health that we hear about all the time. And don’t forget it is often less appealing to a potential partner.

I personally have first hand experience about smoking and knowing how hard it is to give up, I completely understand what you will be going through, so don’t worry, I’ll be helping you along the way. So if you would like to become a non smoker and make a change in your life, contact me today and start your journey to a healthier you.

Ed Francis, Clinical Hypnotherapist
