Our resident MSK Physio is Catia Silva who is in the clinic on Thursdays afternoons between 2pm and 8pm.


Patients present with a wide range of conditions that can include:-

  • Arthritis
  • Generalised aches and pains
  • Back pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Falls and fractures
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Joints pains (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists)
  • Muscles spasm
  • Neck pain and whiplash
  • Neuralgia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Rehabilitation– pre and post Orthopaedic surgery
  • Sports injuries
  • Scoliosis

A typical day for Catia includes patients of all ages – so let’s take a look at a Thursday in April.

Her first patient (Patient A) of the day was a 70 year old gentleman. He was presenting with right knee pain after a long walk with his family during the weekend. This was his first appointment so initially Catia needed to do an overall assessment. After the assessment Catia was able to explain what was causing the pain and what he can do to improve his situation. Then on to the treatment which included: electroacupuncture, joint mobilization, soft tissue work, exercises, education and advice.

Her second patient (Patient B) has been before, and she is in the middle of a treatment plan for shoulder pain. She is  56 years old and her shoulder pain started after helping her daughter to move house. Catia’s treatment plan included: myofascial techniques, acupuncture, stretching and strengthening exercises, pain relief and posture advice.

Patient C was a 11-year-old football player who came with his father. It is his first treatment. After an Initial assessment, he is already feeling better after understanding what was happening and following the advice given. He presented with heel pain and sometimes knee pain that gets worse when doing sport and high impact activities. The treatment plan consisted of checking vitamin D levels, activity modification, pain relief, stretches, soft tissue work and taping.

Patient D was a 39 year old runner who pulled his calf and he really wanted to keep running as he has an important marathon in a few weeks. Catia discusses with the patient a home exercise plan to achieve his goals which they will change according to the progress of the injury. At the clinic the treatment included: ultrasound, soft tissue work, kinesiotaping, education and advice.

Patient E was another new patient. A 26 year old female who works at her desk all day and was suffering with neck and upper back pain. Catia did a full assessment of her job, activity and lifestyle to get an understanding of what was causing the problem. Catia identified that one of the biggest contributors to the neck pain was her sitting position and suggested some ways of improving it. Then she put together a treatment plan that included: dry needling, myofascial release, postural re-education, breathing exercises, stretches, education and advice.

Her last patient of the day is a 90 year old lady who had a full hip replacement 4 weeks ago. Her wound is completely healed and she is walking with two crutches. Catia’s treatment plan included: gait re-education to allow walking without crutches, joint mobilization to restore hip mobility, soft tissue work to reduce pain and a home exercise programme to improve muscular function.

As you can see Catia offers a wide range of treatments for all different conditions/injuries for all ages. If you have a condition that you think could be helped with physio gives us a call to make an appointment with Catia.