We have been providing IDD Therapy at Theale Wellbeing Centre near Reading for about a year now and we are seeing some fantastic results. We have been able to help a number of people who have been suffering from long-term lower back pain which has been unresponsive to a number of other therapies. Most commonly we see people with “slipped” discs (these are also known as prolapsed or herniated discs) and sciatica. Patients have often reported significant improvements in pain levels and range of movement and are telling us that they are able to return to levels of activity that were beyond them prior to treatment. This weekend we were delighted to see an article in the Mail On Sunday which tells the story of a patient who completed a course of IDD Therapy and found great benefit, click here for the full story.
If you would like more information on this treatment for slipped discs or sciatica please call us on 0118 930 3535 or visit www.discinjury.co.uk or www.iddtherapy.co.uk. We are based in Theale near Reading, Berkshire.