Cracked Heels

Lockdown is a great opportunity to look after yourself especially your feet. What better time to get your feet ready for the summer

and those beautiful sandals.

Firstly, get on top of, and keep on top of, any hard skin around your heels to prevent them cracking and getting sore and unsightly. We recommend regular filing with a Pediwand  or something similar.  If you have a lot of hard skin don’t go too mad but file it away gradually over a number of days. Do this straight after a bath or shower when the skin is softer and it is easier – be gentle with yourself.  Then smother your feet in a good moisturiser –
If you can’t get hold of specific treatments any body lotion will help. If you would like to give your feet a deeper treatment then wrap your heels in cling film and then a warm a towel,  after you have applied moisturiser  – it not only feels good but it also will deepen the effect of the moisturiser. Take these actions regularly and you will soon see the results.
Soon we will be back open and you can really treat yourself to one of our Prende warm wax treatments which contains essential oils which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and intense moisturising effects.
If you have any concerns about your feet now then contact us on 0118 930 3535 or email

Keep Well Keep Safe

Ali Clark-Morris, PODIATRIST