0118 930 3535

What is Theale Wellbeing Centre doing to keep you safe during your appointment?

What are we doing to keep you safe during your appointment?

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 Virus is still with us and may be around for a while to come. Despite this the Team at Theale Wellbeing are keen to start seeing their patients as soon as they can.

With this in mind and to reassure you that we are doing all we can to ensure that your visit to the Clinic is a safe one now that we are reopening, we felt we should let you know what steps we are taking to keep you safe.

Even before you arrive for your appointment all patients are being contacted to make sure that they, and anyone in their household, are not experiencing any of the symptoms of Covid-19.

On the basis that there are no obvious symptoms our patients are asked to arrive as close to their appointment times as possible and whenever possible without an escort. By limiting the number of people on the premises we reduce any risk of cross contamination.

When a patient arrives at the clinic they will be met at the door and asked to sanitise their hands with the sanitiser provided. Two tests are then carried out. The first takes the body temperature and the second the oxygen saturation levels. Both tests are pain free and can spot some of the symptoms of Covid-19 before other signs manifest e.g. coughing, loss of small and taste etc.

Provided the results of these tests are within normal limits you will be given a mask to wear and escorted into the clinic room for your appointment. While the appointment and practitioner will be the same friendly and professional therapist that you have come to expect, although  they may look slightly different. In particular it is likely that they will be wearing additional protective equipment.

Following your appointment you will be escorted through to reception for payment and rebooking and then back to the front door.

All of the above measures together with the spacing of appointments to allow for thorough cleaning mean that we minimise the risks to both ourselves and to you our patients.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the procedures that we are taking please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you soon.