Spring is here and the clinic is really busy looking after people’s feet. From fungal nail infections to verrucae, people are looking to get their feet in tip top condition.
The beginning of the warmer weather is tempting people to become more active. Taking long walks or perhaps joining the various races that are starting to appear. Heel pain is one of the most common complaints we are seeing at the moment so we thought an article about Plantar Fasciitis would be useful and interesting.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common heel injuries that we see at the Theale Wellbeing Centre. It is the most frequent cause of chronic heel pain usually where the fascia under the foot inserts into the heel bone. It is thought to have a mechanical origin and can be associated with increased body weight and lower limb biomechanical anomalies. Inflammation is only rarely observed and so anti-inflammatory agents (e.g. Ibuprofen) are unlikely to be of much help. The priority should be to speak to one of our podiatrists as soon as possible as an early intervention usually leads to a better outcome. When managing Plantar Fasciitis, the following should be considered: –
- Taping may help in the early stage. If this proves beneficial in terms of pain relief and improved function, shoe inserts (orthotics) should be considered as part of a longer term solution.
- Calf and plantar fascia stretching should be undertaken regularly.
- Footwear should be assessed to ensure that it is appropriate for you.
- If the pain in the heel has been present for a prolonged period e.g. 6 months. Shockwave therapy should be considered.
- The pain associated with Plantar fasciitis usually encourages sufferers to become more sedentary.
- As increased body weight predisposes someone to have plantar fasciitis it is important to have a plan that helps to maintain a healthy body weight.
This blog/video also gives you some information on relieving the symptoms of this injury.
Here at Theale Wellbeing Centre we offer two different kinds of therapy for this condition. One of the most successful is Shockwave therapy follow this link to learn more. The other therapy we offer is ultrasound guided injection therapy – follow this link to find out more.
If you are having problems with your feet call us on 0118 930 3535 to book an appointment.