Behind the Mask – who is the real Lina Doyle?

Behind the Mask – who is the real Lina Doyle?

Lina Doyle – Behind the Mask At Theale Wellbeing Centre we have a very versatile and talented acupuncturist – Lina Doyle. Here we learn a little more about the real Lina……. 1. What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is dancing, it might not seem like...
Is Long Covid getting you down?

Is Long Covid getting you down?

Recently, I have been seeing an increasing number of people who have been suffering from long Covid-19 or post-viral fatigue. This can happen when a pathogen (virus, bug etc) remains in the body, resulting in symptoms lingering for weeks, months or even years!...
Stress, Anxiety and Acupuncture

Stress, Anxiety and Acupuncture

Stress and Anxiety There have been a lot of inquiries recently for treatments to help with stress and anxiety, which is not surprising because we have all been going through a very stressful time. There has been a lot of uncertainty, upheaval of our daily life, lack...
Acupressure Points

Acupressure Points

Emily and Acupressure Points For the past 5 weeks Emily has been making videos, one per week, about acupressure points. We have had some great response to them especially last weeks about how to relieve hayfever symptoms. Just in case you missed them or would like to...