As many of you know we support a charity in India called The Village of Hope. Ali who works with us occasionally aims to make a visit once a year to treat people who are often suffering with Leprosy. She has just returned from her latest trip and likes to share some...
TREAT YOUR FEET DAY On 7th December 10am-3pm At Theale Wellbeing Centre We are raising money again for tricycles for the Leprosy sufferers at the Village of Hope in East Dehli. Last year we raised enough funds for 57 tricycles . However, there are at least 60 people...
At the beginning of January Ali and her husband Lloyd will be going to the Village of Hope in India to provide treatment and training. Many of the people they will be treating suffer from Leprosy which means they have painful blisters and wounds on their hands and...
We would like to say a huge “thank you” to Michael and all the staff at Theale Wellbeing Centre, for so generously sponsoring three children from Tschapel Lower Secondary School in Bhutan. Martin and I have returned from our second trip to this wonderful country and...
Home and Plans for the future Ali and Marian are home from India and after a very busy couple of weeks has returned full of ideas for future help at the unit. There has been a flurry of updates over the past few days so here are links to them so you can catch up with...
Down our street In this post we tell you a little more about the neighbourhood we are staying in – especially our street. We also note that ladies prefer treatment from ladies. The supplies that were donated are being used and adapted to help relieve pain and...